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Texas Renewable Conference to Gather Industry Leaders For Important Discussions During Critical Times

The Texas Renewables 2014 Conference, “Shaping Texas’ Evolving Energy Markets” will take place in Dallas, Texas on November 3rd through 6th.  As it does each year, this conference will provide an unparalleled gathering of Texas renewable energy experts, advocates, and supporters.  Each of these will engage in collaborative discussions on the future of renewables in Texas and how we can play leadership roles in guiding that path.  The Wind Coalition is an active participant and partner in this important event and we encourage all parties to join us during this critical conference.  The conference is presented by the Texas Renewable Energy Industries Association, which offered this summary of the great events to come during this three day gathering:


“If there’s one thing you can count on when it comes to energy it’s change. A Texas energy “Van Winkle” from 30 years ago (when the Texas Renewable Energy Industries Association was founded) waking up today would find Texas’ energy landscape hardly recognizable. And that is due, in no small part, to the vision and efforts of many current and past members of TREIA. But change is seldom easy, and never over.

“At Texas Renewables 2014 we will explore today’s energy landscape, give a nod to how we got here, acknowledge the significant contribution the renewable energy industry is making, and discuss the very real role it will play and challenges it will face in shaping Texas’ energy future. Attendees, in the company of hundreds of colleagues old and new, will have the opportunity to hear and meet dozens of distinguished and accomplished speakers who are deep in the fray. Their experience and perspectives will matter as we continue pursuit of a critical and ever growing share of this state’s energy mix.”

We hope that you will join us for Texas Renewables 2014.
Learn more about the conference here.

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